Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Carolyn Crane Guest Post & Giveaway

*Contest is closed*

Day 12 of my Giveaway-A-Day Countdown to My Birthday Bash brings us Carolyn Crane. So now I turn things over to her:

Amanda, AKA Not-Really-Southern-Vamp-Chick, is having a birthday tomorrow! (May 13th! Yow!) Okay, so as a special gift, I consulted a special blogger psychic to find out what will happen on her 25th year! And amazingly, this psychic provided pictures from the future.

Carolyn Crane

First, Amanda, the psychic told me to tell you that your blog will get really famous, and you become a celebrity on TV. Wow, Amanda, that is really amazing. It must be all that twittering that you do.

Carolyn Crane

Your love of UF and paranormal literature endears you to people all over the world. Your face is everywhere! Or, at least, your eyes.

Carolyn Crane

The psychic went on to tell me that you, Amanda, become so amazingly famous, that you begin to forget about the little people. Like your cat, who now only relates to you through social media. Like Max Headroom. Oh, sorry Amanda, you’re too young to know who that is. Unfortunately, Carolyn Crane is not! Gah!

Carolyn Crane

The psychic then informed me that Chris Pine, who played Kirk on the Star Trek movie, would fall in love with you during your 25th year. I was like, are you SURE? And the psychic said, yes, Amanda, Not Really Southern Vamp Chick, will have Chris Pine’s heart!!

Carolyn Crane

The psychic sez: “Watch out, Amanda, because trouble starts when Robert Patterson also falls in love with you and your blog. You might not know this, but he is a little crazy.” The psychic told me to specifically warn you about that. And Robert’s love for you, which you will not return, will drive him over the edge. And he will kill Chris Pine.

Carolyn Crane

Chris Pine fans everywhere will be angry with you. They will think your clever blogging led to his death, and in a way, they will be right. Naturally, by this time, your blog is getting millions of hits each day. And you pimp Mind Games and I get amazing sales! Wow! You rock! Also, you have your own line of T-shirts and lingerie.

Carolyn Crane

Robert Patterson can’t give up. He goes into hiding, but puts wanted posters everywhere for you. He cannot live without you. He offers $5000!

Amanda, I’m sorry, after this, the psychic fainted. When I revived him, he said that’s all the further he could see, and beyond that is your 26th year, which I didn’t pay him for. Oh well. Happy birthday tomorrow! And I have prizes!

A gift pack of stuff I collected at the RT convention (bookmarks, pens, postcards, sexy playing cards and more) PLUS a signed copy of PASSION UNTAMED, a Feral Warriors novel (with shape shifters) by Pamela Palmer!!

How to enter: Answer this question: Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda? AND fill out THE FORM.

Happy Birthday Amanda! xxoo Carolyn Crane


Thanks so much Carolyn! ROFL I must say I wasn’t expecting anything like this. LOL It’s great!

Ok, so above, the giveaway prizes are listed, as is method of entry. This contest is open INTERNATIONALLY to my followers who are 18 and up. For any other questions see the rules.

Check out the schedule for all other events and giveaways!


Here is information on Carolyn’s debut novel Mind Games,which is out now:


Mind Games heroine Justine Jones isn't your typical kick-ass type - she’s a hopeless hypochondriac whose life is run by fear.

She's lured into a restaurant, Mongolian Delites, by tortured mastermind Sterling Packard, who promises he can teach her to channel her fears. In exchange, she must join his team of disillusionists - vigilantes hired by crime victims to zing their anxieties into criminals, resulting in collapse and transformation.

Justine isn't interested in Packard's troupe until she gets a taste of the peace he can promise. Soon she enters the thrilling world of neurotic crime fighters who battle Midcity’s depraved and paranormal criminals.

Eventually, though, she starts wondering why Packard hasn’t set foot outside the Mongolian Delites restaurant for eight years. And about the true nature of the disillusionists.

Check here for links of places to buy Mind Games.

*Contest is closed*


Amanda Leigh said...

ROFLMAO I love this! Oh, and notice the book pimpage! hehe

I'm just glad no one was around to hear me when I read this. They would have thought I was nuts! LOL

Everyone has made this Bday Bash so memorable!!

Unknown said...

This was amazing!! ROFL!! I read it in the office, while drinking my morning tea, I guess you can imagine the rest.. Spent the next 10 mins. trying not to choke on laughter&tea lethal combo and then cleaning up my desk.. Thanks Carolyn for livening up a grey and rainy Wednesday! :-) It was Brilliant, loved it! Haha :-D

Seems you'll ahve quite an eventful 25th year Amanada! :-D

EVA SB said...

I love the post and I would love to read Mind Games.

Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda? No because Amanda's loyal blog fans will offer her safe haven around the globe and we will never betray her secret whoever much Mr Patterson sparkles at us.

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!! This is the funniest post I've read in a long LONG time :D Thanks for a good laugh xx

Robert Pattinson will NEVER find Amanda ... because ... um ... the neglected cat will knock his milk all over the floor in a fit of pique, Dear Rob will slip and fall (Bella's clumsiness and Kristen's social awkwardness may have rubbed off ... ) ... THEN ... he will get amnesia and, I'm sorry Amanda, but he won't even remember who you are anymore :o

SiNn said...

no Robert will never find Amanda because all her loyal fans empolyed a bunch of super sexy werwolves to keep her face from harm untill the obsession passes and he sparkles ata new girl

Unknown said...

Oh, boy, I hope he doesn't find her, but if he does, I think she could defend herself.

Carolyn Crane said...

Snort! These are really funny answers, you guys! Happy almost birthday Amanda!

throuthehaze said...

lol...Robert will NEVER find you! Poor Chris Pine :(

Anonymous said...

Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda?

Nope sorry :-( hehe this is all pretty cool.

Stephanie G

Amanda Leigh said...

LMFAO Wow, am I glad I set my coffee down before I read your comments and answers to Carolyn's question! Haven't stopped laughing yet!

@Stella- Sorry you almost choked on tea! This post is too funny though! Yes my 25th year sounds very interesting indeed!

@EVA SB- Yeah for my awesome blog followers keeping me safe from sparkly vampires! LMAO

@Bella- LOL Love it! And it's ok if he gets amnesia and forgets about me. Preferably before the death of Chris Pine.

@SiNn- I get were bodyguards? Awesome! I like this plan! More sparkling ROFL!

@mbreakfield- That's right! Sparkle boy doesn't stand a chance!

@Carolyn- Thanks so much! This is so amazing and is making for such a fun day!

@throughthehaze- LOL Yeah, I was reading it and was like 'WOO HOO Chris Pine!!!' Then, 'Awww. Crap, that would be my luck.' LOL

DforDarla said...

Lol. Maybe I shouldn't have read this in class. oh well. Poor Chris Pine, but Rob will never find you!

Elaine G said...

LMAO..great post.

Rob is a tight only $5000'd think for love it would be more like $500,

mountie9 said...

This was hilarious -- made me laugh so hard coffee came out my nose (and that is a waste of a good Timmy's)

Nope Robert will never find you ---Since he is not a REAL man ;)

BTW I am also sending you an award

Anonymous said...

LMAO! This was soo funny! I agree, only a $5,000 reward? Surely the Twilight movies pay better. xP

Of course Rob will find you! With his army of tweens/twi-moms scouring the country it wouldn't be especially difficult.

Michikit said...

Chris Pine loved Amanda so much that he will come back to life as many times is necessary so that he could protect her from the crazy-glittery man. (^_^)...

Amanda Leigh said...

@Paranormal Haven- Thanks! Glad you like it! Carolyn is awesome!

@DforDarla- Uh oh, hope you didn't get in trouble!

@elaing8- LOL Thanks glad someone else thinks I'm worth more than $5000. :)

@mountie9- Oh no! Don't waste your Timmy's! I know how much you love it. Thanks for the award!

@Jen- NO! He'll NEVER find me! I'll hide away!

@Michikit- Yay for Chris Pine coming back! Unless he's a zombie w/ flesh coming off and stuff b/c that'd be such a waste... and pretty nasty. 'Crazy-glittery man' LOL!

Julie S said...

LMAO this is so funny :)

Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda? Well, he seems stalkerish, so it's possible. Eek.


Nastassia said...

Lol , this post was funny. Very exciting future for you Amanda.

Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda? No,because of his $5000 reward, everyone knows you're worth more than that, we'll never give you up to him.

Heather (DarklyReading) said...

Hehe..happy almost birthday Amanda - I love the guest post - so funny!You have to be careful of those glittery vamps Amanda! I think you're safe from him as long as you hire Jacob as a bodyguard..and maybe cleverly disguise yourself as a werewolf or a ninja ;) I'm not sure why the ninja disguise works but it tricks them sparkly vamps every time ;)

Sullivan McPig said...

Wow, that is a harsh future. I don't think he'll find you though. with your fame you got enough money to buy off anyone he sends after you.

Cheryl said...

That was a great post. No, Robert will never find you. He will see my blog and fall in love with me. Yeah, like that would ever happen!

Amanda Leigh said...

@Julie- Drat! Never!

@Nastassia- Why thank you!

@Heather- Thank you! I don't mind having Jacob as my personal bodyguard....Sorry lost my train of thought. LMAO Yes! A ninja!

@Sullivan McPig- Works for me! Now when does that money start coming in?

@Cheryl- I will point him in your direction! :)

angie said...

Loved this post!! And yes Robert will find you:)

Michikit said...

@Amanda Leigh-Just wanted to clarify that he will not return as a zombie, because a relationship between a mortal and a decomposing, brainless being can't be a long term one. He will return as a powerful angel. Better?:D

Great novel subject: The epic battle between angels and crazy people.

Giada M. said...

Will Robert Patterson ever find Amanda? Definitely not! She is well protected! :P

Thank you for this amazing contest! I love Mind Games! Great post!^O^

Giada M.

fabgiada @

AllTheWiser said...

Never say never.
There's always dreamland.
works for me!

Lanae T. said...

Well, Robert may find Amanda, if he can read a map and work Google to search for her!!! But that's ok. If he's in charcter, just surround yourself with mirrors and Mr. Sparkly will blind himself!

Happy 25th!!!

Amanda Leigh said...

@angie- NO!!!

@Michikit- Yes, much better! I guardian angel Chris Pine! Awesome!

@Giada M- Yay!

@AllTheWiser- I'm all for the dreams I've been having lately coming true. Spike from Buffy!! He could SO take Rob!

@Lanae T- LMAO That's great! Thank you!

Brenda Hyde said...

OMG of course he won't find Amanda! He'll be too busy whining about his constipation. He'll be trying to fix it so he will no longer have that constipated look on his face. Plus, she's gotta have a hot shifter in her future. Yeah, that's it.

What an awesome guest blog. Carolyn is crazy cool, and so are you:)

misskallie2000 said...

Fab post and I really needed this laugh today as I am under the weather. Thanks for the info for Amanda's future. So funny..LOL

No Rob will not find Amanda. He will get side tracked by another girl who is stalking him and leave you and Chris alone. He was cheap to only offer $5,000..really cheap.

Carolyn, you are one funny lady.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Jessica said...

LOVE this post. So unique.

Question... Would it be such a bad thing if Rob did find you? *wink,wink*

Although, considering his relationship with Kristin Stewart I'm sure she will soon learn of his discretions and whoop his @ss back into submission.
Good luck with all that sugar. :)


Unknown said...

Great post! The wall mural is awesome.

And no, Robert cannot find Amanda cause he is mine *giggles*

Have wonderfully happy birthday!

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Lmao! What a hoot! Of course Robert will find you Amanda! It's you! birthday!

Amanda Leigh said...

@Moonsanity- Bwahahaha! I will take a hottie shifter thank you! :)

@misskallie2000- I hope you feel better! Woo hoo I get Chris Pine!

@Jessica- Would it be so bad if he found me? Let's just say that I don' think he's my type. :)

@Robin K- I think you might have to fight a couple other people for him. Not me. Sort it out amongst yourselves. LOL

@YzhaBella- It's me? Thanks!

Tori [Book Faery] said...

NO HE CAN'T! Amanda's my vampire protector, she can't be hunted down by some glimmering weirdo. Nope, I'll be HER bodyguard.

So Rob's gonna have to go through me, and then he's gonna run away when he suffers from my little Italian wrath muwahahahhaa >:)

So excited for tomorrow! *squee*

Tori [Book Faery] said...

Omg omg less than 20 min!!

mariska said...

Nope, Rob's not gonna find Amanda. because she's with me so far far away :)

Barbara E. said...

What a fabulous post - you're next year sounds like it's going to be pretty crazy Amanda. Carolyn is hilarious as usual. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

Amanda Leigh said...


@mariska- I'm so hidden I don't even know where I'm hiding now!

@Barbara E- It does sound interesting. LOL Glad you enjoyed it!

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Amanda, he will find you! Be vigilant!

CrystalGB said...

What a fun post. No, Robert won't find Amanda. Mind Games sounds good.

Sharli said...

LOL this was awesome!

Will Robert ever find Amanda??
Doubt it, his screaming fans are blocking his vew...

Amanda Leigh said...

@Sweet Vernal Zephyr- Eek!

@Crystal GB- Phew!

@Sharli- LOL I rather enjoyed it myself. LOL Yeah, so far him not finding me is totally beating him finding me. I'm liking this!

debbie said...

I don't know, by the time he finds her, will she still be interested?

skyla11377 said...

Even Though Robert Pattinson Will Never Stop Looking For You I Feel You Will Be ABle To Evade Him At Every Turn.

Unknown said...

I'm back now to enter the contest. This guest post was amazing! Loved reading it for the 2nd time too :-)

Well, I don't know if Amanda isn't better off not meeting Robert Pattinson. (Sorry, it was a huge disappointment for me when I saw Twilight that HE was playing Edward! ugh..) But if Amanda likes him, then I'm sure the universe will take care of everything and have them meet one day! ;-)

Aik said...

I love this post! It's so interesting!

Kelly said...

Great post! :D

Spav said...

Great post! Well, it seems like Robert has more "resources" than Amanda, so he'll probably catch up with her.

Book Sake said...

I think Robert will be broken hearted forever after, having not found Amanda.