You might have caught this blogger here last week as a guest reviewer. She did a great review of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. Now, it’s time to get to know Rie a little better.

Your name: Rie Conley
Name of Blog: Mission to Read
Blog Url:
Country you live in: USA
How long have you been blogging? For a little over a month, but it's been an amazing month.
Are you mainly a book review blog or do you feature/review other things? Book review blog
What genres do you read/review? Paranormal, YA, and Fantasy
What age group books do you prefer (middle grade, young adult, adult)? Why? Adult, because I can identify with them easier, but I also love YA.
What’s something unique about your blog? Well, I guess the most unique thing about my blog is Saturday's Sexiest Character. A feature where I post the books I've read that week and the sexiest guy from those characters.
Who/what are your favorite...
Books? The book I read when I'm sick and all is wrong with the world is Jane Eyre.
Series? Currently it's Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr and Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost
Authors? Jeaniene Frost, I can get kinda fan girl about her.
Literary characters? Vlad from Night Huntress, Christian from Vampire Diaries
Literary couples? I guess I don't really have a favorite. I should since I primarily read romance, but I don't. :'(
Villains? I haven't read something with a villain that is not an abstract thought instead of a 3d character in so long. So I suppose I don't have one.
Supernatural beings? Vampires and my newest obsession fairies
Check out Mission to Read now!
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Thanks Rie for letting us get to know you better!
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Nice I agree with so many of your answers, that's cool.
I guess your literary character is Christian from Vampire Academy and not Vampire Diaries, I love both series.
I will check your blog out:-)
Maybe I get some tips I just started to blog again too.
Good luck with your blogging! You're going to love it. Very nice interview.
Nice interview. I'll have to check out your blog.
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