Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Contest Time! Design a Button!

Alright everyone, what I badly need is a button for my blog. Unfortunately, I am not the most tech-savvy person in the world, or the most decisive all the time. So, why not have another contest. This one is so much easier though, well if your not me anyway. Make me a button for my blog! You can make it however you want, just try to make it fit how you see my blog. Just make sure there are no copyright problems, ok? This contest will be open internationally, where ever the Book Depository delivers, so make sure it can deliver to you before you enter! The winner will get their choice of book up to $10 dollars, which will be shipped straight from the Book Depository! Sound good? I hope so! You have until March 4th, 11:59 PM Central, to enter! I will pick my favorite button to win and announce it on March 5th!

Send entries to notreallysouthernvampchick(at)gmail(dot)com

P.S. I really don't like much pink. Just thought I'd give you a heads up!


Elaine G said...

I sent you an entry

Amanda Leigh said...

Thanks! I got it!

Unknown said...

Mine has been sent too :)

Amanda Leigh said...

Got yours too Robin, thanks!