started by Abigail @ All Things Urban Fantasy
Just fill out the form if you have a contest going on & you want to spread the word! I’ll still be updating this over the next day, so add something if you want it on here. If you see anything that needs to be fixed, feel free to let me know. Please check back in the next day or two for updates! If you want your contest added, please add it to the form at the bottom. Thanks!
You’re welcome to leave links in the comments to your contests too, especially if they’ll end before next week’s list goes up. ;)
Feel free to email, tweet (DM) or fill out the form at the bottom whenever you have a contest if you want to make sure it gets added to next week’s list!
Be aware that what’s listed here is not necessarily accurate or as detailed as the page will be, it’s just a guide so read the rules before you enter the contests. :)
- NEW Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter. Enter by ?
- NEW Parajunkee’s View- $20 B&N GC. Enter by ?
- NEW Paranjunkee’s View- choose from 1 of 3 prize packs. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 winners get signed copies of Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic Tale by Carolyn Turgeon and 2 winners receive swag packs. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of Rogue Oracle by Alayna Williams. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Cryer’s Cross by Lisa McMann. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of Surrender the Dark by L.A. Banks. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 12.21.12 by Killian McRae. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of Master and Apprentice by Sonya Bateman. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Alien Tango by Gini Koch and a $5 iTunes GC. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Yours, Mine and Howls: Werewolves In Love by Kinsey Holley. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Pleasures Untold by Lisa Sanchez. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed copy of Darkness Dawns by Lee Nichols. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed copy of Unseen by Rachel Caine. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed copy of Betrayal by Lee Nichols. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed copy of Ghost Town by Rachel Caine. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Spirit Storm by E.J Stevens prize pack w/ book & lots of swag! Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 signed copies of Those Who Fight Monsters anthology. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Parajunkee’s View- Haunted by Joy Preble. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 signed copies of Etched In Bone by Adrian Phoenix. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton and swag. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 copies of Etched In Bone by Adrian Phoenix. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 ARC copies of Wither by Lauren DeStefano. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 1 winner receives swag & a copy of Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting & 1 winner receives swag. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- Shady Lady by Ann Aguire. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 signed copies of Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- 2 signed copies of Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Parajunkee’s View- signed ARC of Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 2 copies of Clarity by Kim Harrington. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter & swag pack. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Affair Without End by Candace Camp, The Burn Magnet by K.L. Brady, Highlander’s Curse by Melissa Mayhue & The Pastors Wife by ReShonda Tate Billingsley. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 1 book of choice from the Spellcrackers series by Suzanne McCloud. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copies of Strange Angels, Betrayals & Jealousy by Lili St. Crow. Contest ends April 6th. (US-signed, International-unsigned)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 2 winners receive book of choice from Casey Daniels. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- ARC of Teeth. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Memories of Murder by Lara Nance & a necklace. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copies of Knightfall by Berinn Rae & Demon Soul by Christine Ashworth. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copies of Entangled by Traci Bell & Passion of the Soul: Piper’s Fury by Rachel Firasek. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Soul Reborn by Jean Murray & Kiss of Blarney by Penelope Marzec. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 2 winners receive Master and Apprentice by Sonya Bateman, Surrender the Dark by L.A. Banks, How to Flirt With a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper & Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- The Screaming Season & Crusade by Nancy Holder & signed bookplates. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 3 winners choose from Vanished, Eternally, Bedeviled or Beguiled by Regan Hastings. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Hounded by Kevin Hearne. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copy of Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins & a Demonglass and a Hex Hall tote bag. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Aftertime & Banished by Sophie Littlefield. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- $25 B&N GC. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Entwined by Heather Dixon. Contest ends April 6th. (Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Bloodshot by Cherie Priest. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Under Wraps by Hannah Jayne & swag. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 1 winner gets Once Dead, Twice Shy, Early to Death, Early to Rise & Something Deadly This Way Comes by Kim Harrison. 1 winner gets Once Dead, Twice Shy & Early to Death, Early to Rise. Contest ends April 6th. (Canada-3 bks, International-2 bks)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Falling Under by Gwen Hayes. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Pleasure of a Dark Prince & Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed hardcover copy of First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- 2 copies(signed & unsigned) of The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada-unsigned, International-signed)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copy of Angel’s Blood by Nalini Singh. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copy of A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Green-Eyed Demon by Jaye Wells. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge. Contest ends April 6th. (International)
- Tynga’s Reviews- signed copy of The Demon Trapper’s Daughter by Jana Oliver & swag. Contest ends April 6th. (US/Canada only)
- Tynga’s Reviews- Numbers and The Chaos by Rachel Ward. Contest ends April 6th. (US only)
- Sweet Vernal Zephyr- Dust to Dust by Heather Graham (US) or random PNR Ebook (Int). Enter by April 7th. (US/International)
- Urban Girl Reader- The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis. Enter by April 7thLover Mine by J.R. Ward (mass market)
- NEW Book Flame- Never A Gentleman by Eileen Dreyer. Enter by April 8th. (US only)
- Fire and Ice- bottle of oil from Baba Yaga. Enter by April 8th. (International)
- NEW Sara's Urban Fantasy Blog- Lover Mine by J.R. Ward (mass market). Enter by April 9th. (US/Canada only)
- NEW Nicki J Markus- Ebook copy of "Secret" by S. L. Pierce. Enter by April 9th. (International)
- Awesomesauce Book Club- 1 of 3 HP Mallory Books: Fire Burn Cauldron Bubble, Toil and Trouble & How to Kill a Warlock. Enter by April 9th. (US only, International if willing to pay for shipping)
- NEW Secrets of a Book Lover- Any Jeaniene Frost Night Huntress novel of your choice + swag. Enter by April 10th. (International)
- NEW MoriahJovan.com- Celebrating the release of Magdalene by Moriah Jovan. Also includes The Proviso and Stay. All 3 are signed and includes other Items as well. Enter by April 10th. (International)
- Fire and Ice- Little Red Riding Hood fine art print by Clear Jade Studio. Enter by April 11th. (International?)
- NEW Book Lover and Procrastinator- up to $20 from The Book Depository. Enter by April 12th. (International)
- Reading Between the Wines Book Club- signed copy of How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks. Enter by April 13th. (International)
- NEW Reading Between the Wines Book Club- Surrender the Dark by L.A. Banks. Enter by April 15th. (US only)
- NEW Paranormal Romance Addict- Destiny Divided by Leia Shaw. Enter by April 15th. (International)
- Book Flame- Falling Under by Gwen Hayes. Enter by April 15th. (International)
- Wag The Fox- Max Brooks' "World War Z", Tonia Brown's "Lucky Stiff", Brian Keene's "The Rising" and "City of the Dead" ... and a BONUS if the winning entrant follows the blog (a sixth zombie book of their choice from Book Depository). Enter by April 15th. (International)
- NEW The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia- Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale by Ramona Wray. Enter by April 16th. (US only)
- Reading Between the Wines Book Club- 500 Follower Giveaway - Winner's choice of a Black Dagger Brotherhood prize! Contest ends April 26th. (International)
- NEW Paranormal Romance Addict- Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole. Enter by April 30th. (US only)
Weekly Contests:
~Fang-tastic Books has giveaways weekly, with winners announced on Wednesdays.
~Bitten by Books has new contests daily, ranging from interviews to daily book chats.
~Suzanne McLeod is having weekly contests through May celebrating her two releases.
Are you also posting a weekly contest listing? Email me and I’ll add your link here!
Like I said, feel free to email me anytime at notreallysouthernvampchick(at)gmail(dot)com with any contests you want me to put in my next Win on Wednesday post, or fill out my pretty new form below! Also, if I missed a contest of yours, leave a link in the comments if you want to get the word out about it. Or if I got something wrong in the list, please let me know. :)