There are so many great bloggers & blogs out there. A lot of which don’t seem to be known about real well, or are new and trying to get the word out about them. So how can I help?
I wanted to start Meet a Blogger Monday mainly for the new bloggers, or less well known ones that would like a little love. This way you get to know them a bit and can go check them out for yourself!

Your name: Shannon
Name of Blog: Books Devoured
Blog Url:
Country you live in: US
How long have you been blogging? Almost 4 Months
Are you mainly a book review blog or do you feature/review other things? I think of Books Devoured as a Book Blog. I post my views on what I read and other fun book related information.
What genres do you read/review? I am pretty eclectic. I am all about a great story no matter the genre. I am new to YA and I am really enjoying a lot of what is out there for teens. I do really love UF and some SciFi, but also Mystery and Thrillers. I am taking the Chicklit challenge this year hosted by ChickLit Plus which will be entirely new to me, I have never read anything in that genre!
What age group books do you prefer (middle grade, young adult, adult)? All of them!
Why? Three months ago (right before I started blogging) I would have said Adult, for sure! Since I started blogging and reading so many other blogs, you guys convinced me to try young adult and I am so glad that you did!
What’s something unique about your blog? I decided to not post "Reviews" I call them "My View" instead. I know it is just word play but it allows me to feel like I can be more honest and write my thought in a more engaging and fun way. I have a great post about the reasons for this, you can check that out HERE.
I also really try to feature many different genres of books. I tend to get bored reading the same types over and over without a break. I have figured out that I enjoy books more when I mix it up.
Who/what are your favorite...
Books? If I MUST choose just 1 it would be The Stand by Stephen King.
Series? The Hollows series by Kim Harrison (at least Today that is my favorite, there are so many greats!)
Authors? Stephen King is great of course. I could not narrow down my other favorites, there are too many!
Literary characters? I love all the characters in The Stand, the good guys anyway!
Literary couples? Cat and Bones from the Night Huntress series comes to mind, I am sure there are more!
Villains? I love to hate Belatrix LeStrange, It might be the movies that helps that.
Supernatural beings? I loved all the Fey characters in the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
About Me:
I have an addiction. I can not stop buying books. I know that a lot of you share my addiction! I have little to no self control. I have an insane amount of books to be read that I own and yet I can not resist that shiny new awesome book I have been drooling over online for months. My husband is wonderful and indulges me. He now calls the mail man my dealer. He has remarked more than once that he is so glad I chose books to be addicted to and not something else. He has always told me that I don't read books, I devour them. When it came time to choose a blog name, that came to mind pretty quickly and I knew it was the right name!
Thanks so much for having me! This was a lot of fun!
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Thanks Shannon for letting us get to know you better!
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Thanks again! It was so hard to choose favorites!
Awesome interview. Like the review vs my view things. That is a lot how I feel I just like to tell what I like or didn't.
Book addictions are awesome and I can't help buying more books whenever I go near a bookstore, it is terribly wonderful :)
Thanks Kristina! I found that I felt a little more honest just by calling it my view. I just want to share my opinion. I never want to present my opinion as fact about how others will feel about the book.
My addiction is crazy! I have been good the last couple of days! Terribly wonderful is right!
That was a great interview, and I love your blog and Books Devoured! I am a new follower to Books Devoured!
Thanks Cheryl! I am so glad you like my blog! Always glad to have new readers!
Shannon it was great having you! Lol I share your addiction. My tbr bookshelf/extra-dvd storage shelf is now completely full of books I need to read, so now I have seasons of tv on dvds piled in my closet floor. Books take priority. :D
Hi Amanda! I was glad to do it! I need to start just buying TV on DVD! Right now it is filling up my DVR!
I'm a follower of hers. She's great!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
Great interview and I like how you came up with the blog name.
Hey Vivien,
Thanks so much!
Hi Sandy,
Thank you, it was fun to do. Choosing a blog name is actually pretty hard! So many are already taken!
Lol, beware tv on dvd is addicting too, just because it's so handy! It takes up room too though.
Oh I meant to say I adore your blog name too. It's very fitting for any book addict!:D
Hey Amanda,
Yes it can! My husband and I watched 24 on DVD and Battlestar Galactica! I love not having to wait a week to find out what happens next!
Thanks! I am glad that you like it!
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