Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hello All!

Oh wait...There's no one here....Well. In case someone eventually reads this. Welcome to my blog. I have never done this before. I also never really thought that I would. Pouring out my thoughts to the world never seemed like something I wanted to do before. Really, it still doesn't. So, instead I will focus it elsewhere. Reading. Books have become and escape and a sort of therapy in themselves for me. I love them. Mostly paranormal romance, urban fantasy, some other fantasy, and young adult books. What will this blog transform into? I have no idea. But here is the beginning.


Anonymous said...

hey amanda! i'm now a follower (or we are). so far so good. I see you have the smut slut button up too, are you attending friday? i think it will defintely interesting!


Amanda Leigh said...

Yes I am planning on attending Friday. It sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda, welcome to the blogging world! :D